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Remembering the Gifts of our Baptism

Remembering the Gifts of our Baptism

Closing the academic year, our residential community prayed for the mission of The Lay Centre, for all those who support it and for special intentions received through digital media, as well.

Celebrate Baptism, remember the gifts received on that unique day and live them every day. The Lay Centre residential community kept this in mind during the last community night of the academic year, on May 22. The Eucharistic celebration, presided over by Fr. Andreas Lind, SJ, was organized especially for this occasion, in the hope of inaugurating a new tradition: that of concluding the academic year by remembering what unites us as members of the Church, of the Body of Christ: our Baptism.

The community prayed for the mission of The Lay Centre, for all those who support it and for special intentions received through digital media, as well.

The liturgy was prepared carefully, in a simple but attentive way. Among other visible signs that allowed participants to live the mystery more deeply, there was the blessing and aspersion of water over the faithful and the prayer of the Creed before the Eucharistic liturgy.

Small candles lit from the same flame before the Creed symbolized the Light of Christ and connected us with the Easter Liturgy, as well. In Christ, all of the baptized become "light of the world" (Mt 5:14).

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